Virginie Bouetel

Virginie Bouetel's picture
Name and Identifiers
Other/given name(s) : 
Family name: 
Professional information
Area of Taxonomic Interest: 
Mammals, all biodiversity
Places worked: 
MNHN, OOB, Banyuls sur mer, UPMC-CNRS, ARTTIC, Paris, private sector
Areas of professional interest : 

With a PhD in Sciences (Baleen whales evolution) and a Master in Communication (how does the European scientific community engages into public understanding of Science?), I have worked for 7 years (2007-2011) as SYNTHESYS (1 & 2) project officer for MNHN FR-TAF from 2007 to 2011.


Then I went to the south of France in Banyuls/mer, at the marine station under supervision of the UPMC and CNRS, to work as EU project and communication/outreach officer for Assemble marine and EMBRC programs until 2013.



After a short stop-over in the private sector as project manager, I am now delighted to have taken my position back at the Collections Dpt of the MNHN in Paris, as project manager for two programs (SYNTHESYS, LEONARDO), and as financial officer for REFLORA (France-Brazil botanical program) and e-ReColNat (National Network of Natural History Collections).


I take care of the internal communication of these programs by way of visits of the scientific collections organized for staff members, and for VIPs. And  I will progressively develop the MNHN-Collections web site pages to enhance the projects visbility at a large scale.

Personal information
Birth Date: 
Birth Place: 
Commercy, France (north east)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith