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Innovation, Impact and Sustainability
The overall aim of NA3 is to ensure that SYNTHESYS3 has a clear pathway to impact by making certain that
outputs are well publicised to, and utilised by, the broader research and development community – and that the
work undertaken and benefits created continue beyond the life of the project. Moreover, the outputs assist in the
delivery of other key European initiatives including, but not limited to, LifeWatch
Work Package 4
Moving from physical to digital collections
Type of Activity: RTD
Development of website to allow crowdsourcing data capture
Development of website to allow crowdsourcing data capture
Research into crowdsourcing methodologies for NH collections
Research into crowdsourcing methodologies for NH collections
Identify which digital image data are most appropriate for use with crowdsourcing. This work will draw on
experience with other citizen science crowdsourcing efforts, such as the Zooniverse (
Crowdsourcing metadata enrichment of digital images
Crowdsourcing metadata enrichment of digital images