The overall aim of NA3 is to ensure that SYNTHESYS3 has a clear pathway to impact by making certain that
outputs are well publicised to, and utilised by, the broader research and development community – and that the
work undertaken and benefits created continue beyond the life of the project. Moreover, the outputs assist in the
delivery of other key European initiatives including, but not limited to, LifeWatch
Wide dissemination of the project’s achievements is pivotal to ensuring that the impact of
SYNTHESYS3 is maximised. The primary focus will be to ensure that the outputs and deliverables are
well utilised inside Europe, plus there are a number of SYNTHESYS3 outputs that will be of great
benefit to NH institutions outside of Europe, at no additional cost to the project. The latter will ensure
that SYNTHESYS3 has a global impact on improving collections management thus also enabling
greater access to global NH collections by researchers.
NA3 will work alongside the other Work Packages to ensure that their deliverables have longevity, for
example by ensuring that new virtual collections or metadata generated by the JRA, and the common
policies created by NA2 remain freely available on independently funded open-access portals (e.g.
Europeana, GBIF and EU-CoM) after the project is completed.
The work will be fostered by NA3 with the engagement of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The
SAB will comprise external experts, bringing together innovation-focused researchers and end Users
from outside of the SYNTHESYS3 Consortium. They will provide feedback on the work plans and
progress from an independent perspective and will recommend modifications based on the changing
face of research in both Europe and beyond.
Efforts to ensure long-term sustainability will not only focus on the Grant AGreement deliverables. NA3
will also assist European NH institutions in operating in a more sustainable manner by producing a
roadmap for future priorities to meet the future needs of the research community. Once approved by
the SYNTHESYS3 Consortium, in consultation with the SAB, it will be passed to CETAF for post
project implementation.
The JRA aims to deliver commercially viable outputs. NA3 will be responsible for identifying industrial
collaborators, protecting the IPR and for exploiting the commercial potential.
To complement the new digitisation developments within the JRA, NA3 will evaluate the current use of
state-of-the-art digitisation equipment housed in the SYNTHESYS3 institutions to establish and
publish guidelines for technicians and Users of NH collections. These will include recommendations
on optimal systems for NH requirements and will support NH institutions considering their purchase
and use. Evaluation results will optimise the use of existing technologies for creating surrogates of
specimens for Access and will support the drafting of suggestions to digitising equipment
manufacturers on technical improvements required by the NH community.
NA3 will also undertake a collaborative pilot action with the JRA to identify the optimal projects and
Users for the JRA crowdsourcing developments. The results of the pilot study will be a potentially
valuable tool for researchers, who require support in large-scale data gathering, and are also a highly
productive way to increase active public engagement in science.
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