Developing strategic priorities for molecular related NH collections
Collate existing European policies that relate to new physical collections and use these as a basis to agree recommendations for common European CM policies and procedures. A meeting will be held with representatives from outside the Consortium to discuss and refine the policies. The recommendations will
include areas such as optimal storage, cost of access/sustainability, data integration, and acquisition, access and use regulations (in agreement with ABS/CBD). Promotion as task 1.1. Horizon scanning will be an integral part of this task.
To get an overview of all relevant 3D techniques, software and equipment, a handbook of best practice for 3D imaging will be produced. The handbook will use JRA obj. 2 results and include recommendations concerning which techniques should be used for different types of object, and which technical standards exist for creating a 3D image and for visualisation of the images.
Collate existing European virtual collection policies and use these as a basis for recommendations on a common European virtual data management policies and procedures. A meeting will be held with external representatives to discuss and refine the policies. Recommendations will include areas such as sustainable storage, open access (e.g. links with Europeana/GBIF), and IPR and Access and Benefit Sharing. In conjunction with NA3, policies will be promoted via CPB, CETAF, SPNHC and national fora. All policies will be placed on EU-CoM.
Improving collections management and enhancing accessibility.
The overall aim of NA3 is to ensure that SYNTHESYS3 has a clear pathway to impact by making certain that
outputs are well publicised to, and utilised by, the broader research and development community – and that the
work undertaken and benefits created continue beyond the life of the project. Moreover, the outputs assist in the
delivery of other key European initiatives including, but not limited to, LifeWatch
Moving from physical to digital collections
Type of Activity: RTD
High Resolution 3D colour image acquisition
Complementary approaches (colour surface scanning, photogrammetry) will be developed in order to provide
complete information (3D and colour data) of the specimen. Collaborate with existing European projects such
as 3DCOFORM whose focus is on Cultural Heritage digitisation. This task will develop 3DCOFORM outputs to
enable their use with NH specimens.