SYNTHESYS3 JRA Outputs and Achivements


Dear all

In order to ensure that we capture the full impact of the SYNTHESYS3 project when reporting back to the EU we are aiming to build a comprehensive listing of all the outputs and achievements. To help with this, we have made a first sweep of the JRA outputs and achievements and listed them in a table.

Please can you all look through the attached Word Document to see that any outputs and achievements that you have been involved in are present and are correct?

If anything is missing or if you see any mistakes, please can you contact me and I will update the listing. I will then upload the list to the SYNTHESYS wiki where it will be available for people to update. Alternatively, please feel free to e-mail me in the future with any additions.

I am using the SYNTHESYS listserv for this e-mail. If you are aware of anyone who should have received this, please contact Kristina Gorman at NHM London to have their name added to the listserv.

Many thanks to you all for doing the work on which this list is based!

Best wishes


Dr E M Haston
Deputy Herbarium Curator, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR
Tel: 00 44 (0)131 248 2816 Fax: 00 44 (0)131 248 2901


The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

Hi Elspeth,

The word doc did not come as an attachment for me. Can you try again.


From: Elspeth Haston <>
Sent: 04 October 2016 09:11
Subject: SYNTHESYS3 JRA Outputs and Achivements

Dear all

In order to ensure that we capture the full impact of the SYNTHESYS3 project
when reporting back to the EU we are aiming to build a comprehensive listing
of all the outputs and achievements. To help with this, we have made a first
sweep of the JRA outputs and achievements and listed them in a table.

Please can you all look through the attached Word Document to see that any
outputs and achievements that you have been involved in are present and are

If anything is missing or if you see any mistakes, please can you contact me
and I will update the listing. I will then upload the list to the SYNTHESYS
wiki where it will be available for people to update. Alternatively, please
feel free to e-mail me in the future with any additions.

I am using the SYNTHESYS listserv for this e-mail. If you are aware of anyone
who should have received this, please contact Kristina Gorman at NHM London
to have their name added to the listserv.

Many thanks to you all for doing the work on which this list is based!

Best wishes


Dr E M Haston
Deputy Herbarium Curator, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR
Tel: 00 44 (0)131 248 2816 Fax: 00 44 (0)131 248 2901


The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a charity registered in Scotland (No

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith