FW: SYNTHESYS programme 2nd CALL announcement OPENING SOON


Dear TAF colleagues,

Virginie and I have already been in touch regarding the below announcement, but this is just a quick note to let you know I will send you SYNTHESYS-branded information regarding the Call 2 announcement when we are in a position to launch the call. So please do not forward the below on, or send any details or announcement regarding the call until we have the correct material ready.

Our IT team are working on updates to the website so we hope to be able to launch the call 1st August, but we will confirm this as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


Dr Kristina Gorman
SYNTHESYS Project Manager
Research & Consulting Office
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD, UK
Tel: (+44) (0)207 942 5816

SYNTHESYS: www.synthesys.info<http://www.synthesys.info/>

NHM Consulting: www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/science-facilities/consulting/<http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/science-facilities/consulting/>

Please note I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For urgent enquiries please contact rco@nhm.ac.uk<mailto:rco@nhm.ac.uk>.

From: Virginie BOUETEL [mailto:virginie.bouetel@mnhn.fr]
Sent: 16 July 2014 14:43
Subject: SYNTHESYS programme 2nd CALL announcement OPENING SOON

Dear Scientific Community,

We are pleased to announce the EU SYNTHESYS project (Synthesis of Systematic Resources) will soon open its 2nd Call for applications.
[SYNTHESYS - CALL 2 - announcement]<http://www.synthesys.info/access/>

This funding call may interest you if;
- You are looking to access natural history collections and/or facilities in another country to carry out scientific research;
- You are from a European Member State or Associated State;
- You are based in a Member State or Associated State at the time of application and until your SYNTHESYS visit is complete in the 2015 calendar year.
- For further eligibility information, please see http://www.synthesys.info/access/faqs/#faq_eligibility

The SYNTHESYS project funds access to chosen institution(s) to study the collection(s) of 17 partner institutions throughout Europe.

You are warmly encouraged to apply for a SYNTHESYS award and for more information, please visit us at: <http://www.synthesys.info/access/> http://www.synthesys.info/access/

SYNTHESYS Call 2 application deadline is October 16th 2014

We apologise for any cross posting and invite you to share the announcement with your network.

With best regards

Samantha Oxford,
Grants & Contracts Liaison Officer
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD, UK

and Virginie Bouetel, MNHN Synthesys FR-TAF manager, Paris, France


Virginie BOUETEL, PhD, MC

SYNTHESYS FR-TAF manager (http://www.synthesys.info/)

e-RECOLNAT (http://recolnat.org/)

REFLORA (http://www.herbariovirtualreflora.jbrj.gov.br/)


Direction des Collections - CP43

57 Rue Cuvier



Office: 00 33 (0)1 40 79 56 66

Cell: 00 33 (0)6 61 10 86 91



Dear Krissie,

Many thanks for the announcement.

Regarding the update of the CSIC information, we deeply ask you to update our information but using the last correction sent to Harry that never appeared on the ES-TAF site.

Let us know if you found the correct updated list of facilities or you want to send again our info.

Kind regards

Marian Ramos

El 17/07/2014, a las 10:33, Kristina Gorman escribió:


Dear TAF colleagues,

Virginie and I have already been in touch regarding the below announcement,
but this is just a quick note to let you know I will send you
SYNTHESYS-branded information regarding the Call 2 announcement when we are
in a position to launch the call. So please do not forward the below on, or
send any details or announcement regarding the call until we have the correct
material ready.

Our IT team are working on updates to the website so we hope to be able to
launch the call 1st August, but we will confirm this as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


Dr Kristina Gorman
SYNTHESYS Project Manager
Research & Consulting Office
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD, UK
Tel: (+44) (0)207 942 5816

SYNTHESYS: www.synthesys.info

NHM Consulting:

Please note I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For urgent enquiries
please contact rco@nhm.ac.uk.

From: Virginie BOUETEL [mailto:virginie.bouetel@mnhn.fr]
Sent: 16 July 2014 14:43
Subject: SYNTHESYS programme 2nd CALL announcement OPENING SOON

Dear Scientific Community,

We are pleased to announce the EU SYNTHESYS project (Synthesis of Systematic
Resources) will soon open its 2nd Call for applications.
[SYNTHESYS - CALL 2 - announcement]

This funding call may interest you if;
- You are looking to access natural history collections and/or facilities
in another country to carry out scientific research;
- You are from a European Member State or Associated State;
- You are based in a Member State or Associated State at the time of
application and until your SYNTHESYS visit is complete in the 2015 calendar
- For further eligibility information, please see

The SYNTHESYS project funds access to chosen institution(s) to study the
collection(s) of 17 partner institutions throughout Europe.

You are warmly encouraged to apply for a SYNTHESYS award and for more
information, please visit us at: http://www.synthesys.info/access/

SYNTHESYS Call 2 application deadline is October 16th 2014

We apologise for any cross posting and invite you to share the announcement
with your network.

With best regards

Samantha Oxford,
Grants & Contracts Liaison Officer
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD, UK

and Virginie Bouetel, MNHN Synthesys FR-TAF manager, Paris, France


Virginie BOUETEL, PhD, MC

SYNTHESYS FR-TAF manager (http://www.synthesys.info/)

e-RECOLNAT (http://recolnat.org/)

REFLORA (http://www.herbariovirtualreflora.jbrj.gov.br/)


Direction des Collections - CP43

57 Rue Cuvier



Office: 00 33 (0)1 40 79 56 66

Cell: 00 33 (0)6 61 10 86 91


Dear all,
I fully agree with Marion, that the TAF pages urgently need to be updated. We all were urged to provide updates of the descriptions of facilities, scientific production and highlights a year ago, which never made its way on the SYNTH_3 web site.
I have recently mentioned this to Harry who promised that it wil happen prior to the launch of call 2. I hope it is true :-)
all my very best, irene

Från: Marian Ramos [m.ramos@mncn.csic.es]
Skickat: den 17 juli 2014 11:56
Till: taf@synthesys3.myspecies.info
Ämne: Re: SYNTHESYS programme 2nd CALL announcement OPENING SOON

Dear Krissie,

Many thanks for the announcement.

Regarding the update of the CSIC information, we deeply ask you to update our
information but using the last correction sent to Harry that never appeared
on the ES-TAF site.

Let us know if you found the correct updated list of facilities or you want
to send again our info.

Kind regards

Marian Ramos

El 17/07/2014, a las 10:33, Kristina Gorman escribió:

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