Memorypreparedfor the PhD degreebyIsabelReyFraile, MNCN-CSIC, defended on 30th June, 2014. The author thanks SYNTHESYSproject, “myparticipation has beenrewarded witha formation thatcould not have gained otherwise”
Katerina Rusevska realizó los análisis moleculares, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Martín, en el Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC, gracias a una estancia que realizó en este centro en 2010, dentro del programa SYNTHESYS financiado por la Unión Europea. La doctora Martín, del RJB, CSIC, ha valorado muy positivamente el programa SYNTHESYS por las oportunidades que ofrece para iniciar cooperaciones internacionales y facilitar la movilidad de los investigadores.
La Colección de Paleobotanica del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales –CSIC participa en Synthesys. The Paleobotany collection at MNCN takes part of Synthesys
La Colección de Invertebrados fósiles del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales –CSIC participa en Synthesys. The Fossil Invertebrate collection at MNCN takes part of Synthesys
Volume 69 (2) of the journalGraellsia(CSIC) includes a noticeof the first call foraccess to research infrastructures through theSynthesysProject.The notice is included both in online and printed version of the journal.
Volume 70 (1)of the journalGraellsia(CSIC) includes a general noticeof calls foraccess to research infrastructures through theSynthesysProject.The notice is includedin online version, and will be included in the printed version of the journal.
Twenty partner institutions from 12 European countries form SYNTHESYS, and offer coordinated access to their vast natural history collections and state-of-the art analytical facilities and qualified support from in-house researchers and curators. The institutions also co-operate in Network activities to improve the collections’ management, long-term preservation and accessibility. A Joint research activity develops tools to enhance the quality of and increase access to digitalized collections and data within Natural History institutions.
SYNTHESYS was initiated by CETAF and receives funding by the European Union’s Research Framework Programs. It recently secured EC funding for a third period (SYNTHESYS3 in FP7; Grant no. 312253), which started on 1st September 2013 and lasts for four years.
Scientists in based in European member or associate states apply for grants covering research costs and subsistence at one or several partner institutions with a proposal that is assessed by a committee based on scientific quality.
In 2010 the EU SYNTHESYS project launched a simple to use, online self-assessment form to evaluate the status of natural history collections management. ( Institutions self-assess at the level appropriate to their collections and resources i.e. institutional or departmental. The survey covers all areas impacting on collections from storage environment and use of materials to budget allocation.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical):
Ed Baker,
Katherine Bouton
Alice Heaton
Dimitris Koureas,
Laurence Livermore,
Dave Roberts,
Simon Rycroft,
Ben Scott,
Vince Smith