Presentation of achievements and ways-forward of SYNTHESYS, development of Natural History Access projects in Europe. Discussion on possible means of collaboration between SYNTHESYS and the Cetaf member 'Consortium Gotheburg', everthing from being an Access Provider to informal cooperation.
SYNTHESYS er ein evropeisk verkætlan, sum í fleiri umførum hevur fingið stuðul frá ES. Hol varð sett á verkætlanina í 2004 og hevur hon fingið stuðul úr bæði FP6 og FP7. Avtalað er nú gjørd um eitt triðja skeið, sum varir frá 2013 til 2017.
Research funding opportunity for European scientists in natural sciences
SYNTHESYS Access funding is available to scientists based in European Member, Associate and Candidate States to undertake short visits to utilize the collections and analytical facilities at one of the 16 partner institutions for the purposes of their research.
Call 2 for proposals is open with a deadline at Thursday 16th October 2014. Visits need to be implemented during 2015.
Natural History Museum of Denmark invites scientists based in an European Member and Associated States to undertake short visits to utilize the infrastructure (namely the collections, staff expertise and analytical facilities) for the purposes of their research.
Funding is provided by the SYNTHESYS Project.
Europas främsta institutioner med forskning inom systematik och relaterade områden erbjuder forskare från andra europeiska institutioner att använda deras samlingar, kompetens och utrustning.
On this page we present a selection of guest researchers at the museum and their exciting research conducted within the SYNTHESYS project. It is impossible to present all visiting scientists but we aim at representing broad spectra of interests.
I presented a brief outline of the history of Access projects at NRM, and explained the aims, objectives and extent of SYNTHESYS_3 to the representatives of the boards of the major national collection institutions.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical):
Ed Baker,
Katherine Bouton
Alice Heaton
Dimitris Koureas,
Laurence Livermore,
Dave Roberts,
Simon Rycroft,
Ben Scott,
Vince Smith