FW: SYN3 NA2 Objective 1 Task 1.1: draft handbook / recommendations on Collections Management Policies on Digital Data


Dear all

Apologies for not including the attachment with the previous e-mail. I'm therefore resending it with attachment.


Dear all

Please find below an e-mail from Stefanie Krause at MfN in Berlin with information about the new draft handbook for collections management policies on digital data.

Apologies for cross-posting.


Dr E M Haston
Deputy Herbarium Curator, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR
Tel: 00 44 (0)131 248 2816 Fax: 00 44 (0)131 248 2901
E-mail: e.haston@rbge.org.uk<mailto:e.haston@rbge.org.uk>

From: Krause, Stefanie [mailto:Stefanie.Krause@mfn-berlin.de]
Sent: 02 December 2015 10:30
Subject: SYN3 NA2 Objective 1 Task 1.1: draft handbook / recommendations on Collections Management Policies on Digital Data

Dear participants of NA2 Objective 1, dear JRA participants, and dear CETAF CPB and DWG members!

Within the framework of SYNTHESYS3 NA2 Objective 1 Task 1.1 (Develop policies for virtual Collections Management and integrate JRA outputs), one of the two Deliverables to be realized will be D2.2 ("Virtual Collections" management Policy: Finalised policy for virtual collection management available), due in August 2016.

Also in discussion with the CETAF CPB Core Group, we decided to split the final output of the Task into two components: One will be a short policy statement on digital data produced by guests/visitors of a natural history collection/institution. This part will be prepared by Michel Guiraud (MNHN). The second output will be an online handbook or reference text, which gives rather comprehensive information and recommendations to support natural history institutions in their efforts to create their own Collections Management Policies (CMP) on Digital Data. Ideally, these recommendations should cover all aspects, which should or may be treated in a CMP on Digital Data. A draft document was prepared at the MfN, Berlin, using the Biowiki platform of SYNTHESYS3 ( http://synthesys3.biowikifarm.net/syn3/Talk:NA2/objective1/task1/cmp ). It is still under revision and therefore still on the discussions' page, which only can be accessed by Biowiki users and which is (otherwise) not public. We will only make the document available in public, when the content is agreed on.

At the CETAF 38 (October 2015), we presented and discussed the aims and intermediate results of Task 1.1 during the CPB as well as Digitisation Working Group (DWG) meeting. It was agreed that the draft handbook "CMP on Digital Data" also should be evaluated by CETAF CPB and CETAF DWG members (and JRA participants). After completion of the handbook within SYNTHESYS, it will be adopted, further implemented, and further updated by the CETAF DWG.

Herewith, we sincerely would like to invite you to revise our draft handbook and to send me your feedback. At this point, we would like to keep our original file at the Biowiki as it is, so I copied the text into a Word file and formatted it a little bit (see attachment). Unfortunately, the format of the text is somewhat different from that of the Biwiki document and I also had to remove all internal links referring to chapters within the same document (which are marked in a dull blue now). However, the idea and content of the text is unaltered. If anybody wants me to upload the document on Google Docs, please give me a note and the email address I should send the invitation to. However, as far as I know, you will need a login to edit or comment a Google Doc file.

We would be happy about your numerous feedback and will incorporate it in our original file a soon as possible. We would also be very happy if you could send me your feedback until the xmas break.

Please give me a note if I forgot somebody on the mailing list.

With many thanks in advance and all the best,



Dipl.-Biol. Stefanie Krause
Entomology & SYNTHESYS III

Museum für Naturkunde
Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin
E-Mail: stefanie.krause@mfn-berlin.de<mailto:stefanie.krause@mfn-berlin.de>
Phone: +49 30 2093 9094 / 8985

Dr E M Haston
Deputy Herbarium Curator, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR
Tel: 00 44 (0)131 248 2816 Fax: 00 44 (0)131 248 2901
E-mail: e.haston@rbge.org.uk

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

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