FW: SPHNHC 2014 Digitisation Symposium Remote Participation


Dear all

Remote participation is set up for the SPNHC 2014 Symposium: Progress in Digitisation of Natural History Collections
Workshop Remote Registration:

The Symposium is all day Thursday June 26th from 830 am BST to 530 pm BST.

Please join us for an entire day of talks ranging across: automation, optical character recognition, 3D models, citizen science, collaborative georeferencing, collector bias, confidence scores, conveyor belts, crowdsourcing, DarwinCore, data analyses, data deficiencies, data quality, data visualization, database management, digitization management, duplication, ecological statement, education, efficiency, error checking, e-science, exsiccatae, fossils, georeference, GIS map, herbaria, herbarium, imaging, insects, interns, machine learning, microscope slides, natural language processing, pseudoreplication, quality control, seaweed, Silurian, species distributions, standardization, synchronization, taxonomy, transcription, whole drawer imaging, and workflows.

Workshop Wiki: for detailed Agenda with Abstracts<https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Progress_in_Digitization> (some talk times will be adjusted, please register<https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/spnhc-digi-update/event/event_info.html> to stay tuned for updates).

Please join us to add your voice to the world-wide conversation!

Questions / Comments? Please email a convener:
Deb Paul (dpaul@fsu.edu<mailto:dpaul@fsu.edu> iDigBio), Elspeth Haston (E.Haston@rbge.ac.uk<mailto:E.Haston@rbge.ac.uk> RBGE), Elizabeth Ellwood (ellwoodlibby@gmail.com<mailto:ellwoodlibby@gmail.com> iDigBio)
(Please excuse cross-posting).

See you there!

Best wishes,

Elspeth Haston (@emhaston), Deb Paul (@idbdeb), and Libby Ellwood (@libbyellwood)

Dr E M Haston
Deputy Herbarium Curator, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Secretary of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden (Sibbald) Trust
20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR
Tel: 00 44 (0)131 248 2816 Fax: 00 44 (0)131 248 2901
E-mail: e.haston@rbge.org.uk<mailto:e.haston@rbge.org.uk>


The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith