Question about microCT facilities in SYNTHESYS partner institutes


Sent on behalf of Niki Keklikoglou of HCMR

Dear Synthesys partners,

I apologise for cross-posting. I am working on the Deliverable D4.4. - Protocols for optimal microCT - (WP4, Obj. 2, Task 2.2) and I would like to ask you if you could inform me if your museum/institute has a microCT system and a website concerning your microCT lab. I would like to add this info to the appendix which will present an overview of the micro-CT labs hosted by the SYNTHESYS partners.

I would like to ask you if you could send me this info by the 15th August as the deliverable should be submitted before the end of August.

I would like to thank you in advance!

With best wishes,

Niki Keklikoglou

Hellenic Center for Marine Research


The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

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